Posts in Politics and society
On Patriotism in Europe, in the U.K. and Brexit

I this video I discuss patriotism and nationalism in Europe and in the U.K., using the Brexit referendum as a case study. I open the video by reading an excerpt from a recent article in the Point magazine, in which editor Jon Baskin interviews Princeton professor George Kateb about his writings, ideas and thoughts on patriotism. The views expressed here are mine and mine alone, and as I say in the introduction, I am using Mr. Kateb’s arguments out of context, which is to say, I am using the very specific points he makes to Baskin as an amouche bouche for my discussion. I am not familiar with Mr. Kateb’s writings at large. Though I don’t mention him directly, I have also been inspired by recent comments by Douglas Murray, and conversations between him and other interviewers, relating to the oddness of being ashamed of one's history and heritage. I apologise for the cover of my notebook protruding annoyingly in the bottom of the frame.

Thanks, as always, for watching.

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Now with video

I have belatedly revived my Youtube Channel, with two videos. The first elaborates on the points I made in my recent post about the state of the world—and my dissatisfaction of it—and the second updates my view on markets in line with points I made here, with a shout out to two other podcasts that I think you should check out; the BIP show and Odd Lots. I will try to do a video once a week, and I will think about uploading the MP3 files for people who prefer to listen, without watching. The point is that it’s impossible to start with an audio file and upgrade to a video, but the other way around is relatively easy. I am not willing to revive my Soundcloud account, though, but I think Squarespace supports an Apple podcast channel. Stay tuned. In any case, you head over to my Youtube channel and subscribe if you’re just interested in that type of content. Alternatively, I’ll post everything on the main blog.

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Raise the bar

I have been warming up to this post for a few weeks, even if what’s being said mostly isn’t me saying it. As I have argued on previous occasions, it has become customary to claim that the world is going to hell in a hurry, and that the only solution to this problem is to tear civilisation down, and start anew. I am on record for rejecting both these hypotheses, though for the sake of argument, let’s say that I concede the former. Let’s say that I accept the premise that the way we’re doing things—capitalism, globalisation etc—is in need of fundamental re-design. What would be the most important prerequisite for such a project to succeed?

I’d argue that at whatever level of society such an endeavour is made, it can only prevail if everyone shares an objective method for sorting fact from fiction, truth from false, and sense from nonsense. Without such tools, any such project, at any degree of ambition, would fail. Luckily, humanity has powerful tools at its disposal for such inquiries in the form of science, technology and epistemology. Coupled with good faith, tolerance, compassion and mutual respect, I think that we could achieve just about anything that we set out to achieve. So, what are our chances? Based on the recent evidence, I’d say; slim to none.

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Off the fence

One of the enduring discourses of our time is the idea that something is terribly wrong, with political and cultural life, with the economy, and with nature itself. The message varies, but the main message is the same. The (liberal) world order—as we have come to know it since WW2, and latterly 1989—is coming to an end, a message usually delivered with a ‘good riddance’ attached at the end, for effect. The edifice, we are told, is imploding under the weight of the decadence and complacency of centrists, citizens of nowhere, and globalists, and other similarly-spirited foul. They have dominated for too long, and must now do one thing, and one thing only; repent, and pay, for their sins. The story looks different depending on the perspective from which it is being told, though I reckon it’s possible to identify two broad categories, which have, by now, become clichés in their own right. The left-wing critique tends to home in on two scourges of our time; inequality and climate change. These can be solved by expropriating the wealth of the haves, which will be distributed to the have-nots, and by halting damaging economic activity to protect the planet. The right-wing version is a nationalist protest, rallying in opposition to hitherto staples of global prosperity such as globalisation, international interdependence and multilateralism. The election of Trump and the Brexit referendum in the U.K. are most often trotted out as examples of this movement.

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