Interesting Paper on Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Corporate Finance, Economic Theory and Acadmics, Theoretical Momentsclaus vistesenDecember 21, 2009LBO, leveraged buyout, private equity
Ageing and Export Dependency on the Agenda Demographics, Economic Theory and Acadmics, Theoretical Momentsclaus vistesenOctober 13, 2009ageing, ageing populations, export dependency
Is Germany Dependent on Exports to Grow? Demographics, Economic Theory and Acadmics, Economics, Business, and Finance , Eurozone watch, Global Economy, International Trade and Economics , Theoretical Momentsclaus vistesenOctober 1, 2009Germany
Ageing and Global Capital Flows - Is it Optimal to Dissave? Demographics, Economic Theory and Acadmics, Economics, Business, and Finance , Japan, Theoretical Momentsclaus vistesenAugust 25, 2009Martin Wolf, Paul Krugman, ageing, ageing populations, capital flows, export dependency, global ageing